Reach thousands of drinks industry professionals
Tap into our extensive drinks industry network and reach thousands of job seeking professionals when you list your job advert with Wine Jobs UK.
With over 86,000 monthly job views across our website, social media, newsletter, and partner network your advert is guaranteed to reach the right audience.
Partner with us and help make a positive impact. For each listing, we donate £5 to The Drinks Trust and plant a tree in your name.
Simply choose your preferred package from below, fill out the simple form and your job advert goes live instantly.
We’re confident you’ll find the perfect match with us, but if not, we’ll re-list your advert for free until you do.
Any questions? Contact us here or call us on 0800 8611 838.
We’re proud to be a partner of The Drinks Trust, supporting drinks industry people since 1886.
Through our partnership and with your support we’re helping to create an equitable industry where opportunities are open to all.

Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards for the Best Drinks Industry Job Board.
This accolade is recognition to our commitment to bringing great people and great companies together.

“We were delighted with the quality and number of candidates we received through Wine Jobs UK. Hugely appreciate your help in advertising the role, which has now been filled by a Wine Jobs UK applicant”
JM, Marketing & PR Director, Balfour Winery

“Wine Jobs UK absolutely saved us with this job opening so huge thanks…the role has now been fulfilled“
OD, Head of Operations, Decorum Vintners
Select Your Job Package
Quickly reach high quality, qualified job seekers.
Package includes:
1 listing live for 45 days.
Unlimited free re-listings if not filled.
Standard listing on our homepage and rest of site (for guaranteed homepage spot choose Premium).
Published to our partner network and Google Jobs.
Your company profile, logo and links.
View unlimited applications.
1 tree planted by treeapp.
£5 donation to The Drinks Trust.
2 x your views and accelerate your hiring process.
Standard package plus:
1 listing live for 90 days.
Guaranteed spot on homepage.
Highlighted listing on our homepage and rest of site.
Premium placement in Featured Jobs section.
Boosted views with Social Media and Newsletter promotion.
Maximise your exposure to fill your position fast.
Premium package plus:
1 listing live for 90 days.
Guaranteed top section on homepage for 14 days.
Doubled Social Media and Newsletter promotion.
5 x Premium
Amplify your reach with our most cost-effective package
5 premium listings:
A pack of 5 premium listings for the price of 4.
No expiry date, use whenever you need them.

“We’ve had lots of high quality replies, could you withdraw the ad now”
NA, Buyer, Private Cellar

“That was all easy-peasy. Appreciate your help.”
BF, Head of Sales Support, Les Caves de Pyrene

“We found a cracking candidate through Wine Jobs UK”
MN, Human Resources Manager, Broadland Drinks
Trusted UK Business
Listing jobs for drinks companies from across the world
Helping to support our community
With your support we’re able to help make a difference together

We’ve partnered with the awesome team at treeapp to help make a sustainable difference to the world.
As a certified B-Corporation they take their tree planting very seriously. Working closely with local farmers, communities and experts they ensure the trees they plant in the UK and across the world make a long term difference.
We’ve committed that for every paid job listing we receive we’ll plant a tree on your behalf.
Not only that but every month we plant 10 trees on behalf of our newsletter subscribers.

*Audience figures for January 2025